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About the Journal


Editor-in-chief: Rochmady, Coastal and Small Island Studies Centre, Indonesia

Akuatikisle: Jurnal Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil organized by Sangia Publishing part of Sangia Research Media and Publishing in collaboration with Department of Aquaculture, Wuna Agricultural Sciences University established the Centre for Coastal and Small Island Studies (CSISC) Indonesia. Centre for Coastal and Small Island Studies (CSISC) Indonesia has a mission to promote the scientific research of coastal and isles scope and all its aspects and disseminate to the public the knowledge gained.

Aim and Scope

Manuscripts published in the scope of science; aquaculture, fisheries biotechnology, feed and fish nutrition, marine microbiology, marine aquaculture, fishery technology, fisheries biology, population dynamics, fisheries sensing, fishing, marine ecology, fish ecology. All fields of science in the development of coastal fisheries and small islands (see Aim & Scope).


In one volume of Akuatikisle: Jurnal Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil divided into two editions, which are published in the 1st May and 2nd November each year. Articles are written in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) OR English. Title and Abstracts must be in English.

Abstract and Archiving

Akuatikisle: Jurnal Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil has been indexed by Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD), Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital), Public Knowledge Project (PKP), Indonesia OneSearch (IOS), Scilit MDPI, and OCLC WorldCat. Akuatikisle: Jurnal Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil also recorded in several university libraries as listed in our information for librarians.

Akuatikisle: Jurnal Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil stores back issues and current articles following LOCKSS idea of keeping lots of copies of our items on several servers to keep them safe. Archives are stored all of them are digitally submitted to Indonesian National Library's Indonesia OneSearch and periodically harvested by OCLC WorldCat and SCILIT MDPI. Published issues are also sent to LIPI (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) the Indonesian Institute of Sciences to be retained in its repository. The Akuatikisle also implementing PKP Private LOCKSS Network (PLN) preservation function as can be seen in The Keepers Registry record.