Composition and abundance of fish species on the coast of Payumb, Merauke City Coastal area is one of nature ecosystem has high productivity, unique, and have high ecological and economic value. In addition, coastal areas also have important ecological functions such as providers of nutrients, spawning sites and as food for various marine organisms. As a first step in the management of fishery resources that is required information about species composition and abundance of fish in the coast of Payumb area, Merauke City. The objective of the study was to obtain preliminary information on species composition and fish abundance. This research was conducted in October-December 2016, in coastal Payumb city of Merauke. The research station was determined by purposive sampling. The data analysis used is the abundance index (K), index of Shannon-winner diversity, uniformity index (E), and Simpson dominance index (C). The number of fish caught is 529 fish, the value of diversity index is 3.79; value of uniformity index 0.42 and value of index of dominance equal to 0.11. Sunarni SunarniSunarniModesta Ranny MaturbongsModestaR.Maturbongs Research article Open Access 24 Apr 2018 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.2.1.5-9 PDF (767KB) 148 views View Abstract 1456 views Volume 2, No. 1, P: 5-9
Punggawa authority and its Sawi compliance during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case study on Beba Fishing Community, Takalar Regency) The beating of fishermen due to the Covid-19 pandemic does not necessarily damage the Punggawa-Sawi relationship in Beba, Takalar Regency. The obedience of the Sawi people in choosing to stay with the Punggawa must be photographed from a different angle. This relationship can no longer be seen as a relationship of material interests, such as wages. The reason is, the acquisition of material in their relationship in the midst of the pandemic has also fallen sharply. This study aims to identify Punggawa authority and Sawi compliance that can still exist despite being hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and unfavourable conditions. This study uses a qualitative method with case study analysis. Data sources are divided into two categories, namely primary and secondary sources. Data was collected by using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation techniques. Specifically and tactically, the data analysis technique was carried out following the Miles and Huberman model by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the Punggawa authority which is woven into the Punggawa-Sawi relationship in Beba is obtained traditionally. They are not bound by a set of officially announced rules. Sawi's obedience to the retainer was not solely due to material interests. However, their obedience is based more on the characterization of Punggawa because of his generosity and the existence of a familial or kinship relationship between Punggawa and Sawi. This condition makes the relationship between Punggawa and Sawi very close so that it does not waver even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Arisnawawi ArisnawawiArisnawawiDarmawan SalmanDarmawanSalmanRahmat MuhammadRahmatMuhammadMuhammad SabiqMuhammadSabiq Research article Open Access 26 Aug 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.2.83-88 PDF (1MB) 75 views View Abstract 444 views Volume 6, No. 2, P: 83-88
A study of water depth on the growth and productivity of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii This study aims to investigate the impact of varying the depth of water on the growth and productivity of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii. The study was carried out in the seas of Pallette. The research methodology used in this study incorporates three different planting depth treatments, specifically 1.5 meters, 3 meters, and 4 meters. In each treatment, 50 grams of Kappaphycus alvarezii seeds per bunch were used. The findings of this study indicate that seaweed cultivation at a depth of 1.5 m yields significantly favourable outcomes compared to the treatments conducted at depths of 3 m and 4 m, where growth is comparatively less optimal. This occurrence can be attributed to the diminished level of light penetration at such a depth. There is an inverse relationship between the depth of seaweed planting and the rate of weight gain. The optimal depth for seaweed cultivation for 42 days is 1.5 meters, with an average specific growth rate of 3% daily. On the contrary, the treatment carried out at a depth of 1.5 m showed the most substantial increase in biomass, averaging 122 g. Additionally, the maximum yield of seaweed was observed in the same treatment, precisely measuring 1,208 g/m2. Muhammad KasnirMuhammadKasnirSyarifuddin SyarifuddinSyarifuddinKhairun NisaaKhairunNisaa Research article Open Access 31 Aug 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.2.139-143 PDF (284KB) 39 views View Abstract 271 views Volume 7, No. 2, P: 139-143
Abundance and temporal distribution of mullets caught in Merauke City Coastal Waters The purpose of this study was to see the abundance and distribution of mullet during the day and night on the coast of Lampu Satu Beach and Payum Beach. This research was conducted in June-August 2020. Determination of the sampling points at the research location using purposive random sampling method. Data analysis used in this research is Relative Abundance (Kr) and Morisita Spread Index (Id). Catches found during the study were 268, with 3 species of mullet, namely Mugil cepalus, Mugil dussumieri and Rhinomugil corsula. During the day, the total number of catches is 148 while at night it gets as many as 120. The highest proportion value of relative abundance was obtained from the two stations, namely Mugil dussumieri species and the lowest was Rhinomugil corsula. The results of the calculation of the morisita distribution index during the day at both stations obtained a value of 1.008 (group). It is also found that at night the two stations get a value of 1.014, which means that at night it is a group category. Irkham KurniawanIrkhamKurniawanModesta Ranny MaturbongsModestaR.MaturbongsBonny LantangBonnyLantang Research article Open Access 14 Jan 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.1.5-8 PDF (991KB) 48 views View Abstract 539 views Volume 7, No. 1, P: 5-8
Analysis and identification of Pseudomonas sp. and molds on dried anchovy (Stelophorus sp) products produced by the people of Toniku Village, Halmahera Barat Regency, North Maluku Province This research was conducted to determine the characteristics of Pseudomonas sp. and mold on dried anchovies. The sample in this study was obtained from the fishing community of Toniku Village, West Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province. The stages carried out in this study were 3 (three) stages, namely the sample preparation stage, the analysis phase and the identification stage of Pseudomonas sp. and mold. The results showed that the characteristics of the Total Plate Count (TPC) of dried anchovy in the Toniku Village obtained a different composition from each other, with the highest log Total Plate Count (TPC) obtained, namely 5.5 or 3.2 x 105 Cfu/g or 320.000 cells bacteria, while the lowest Total Plate Count (TPC) log was obtained, 2.5 or 3.1 x 102 Cfu/g or 310 bacterial cells and for total Pseudomonas bacteria from the three sampling locations no growth was found. The highest total log fungi were obtained ie 5.6 or 3.7 x 105 Cfu/g or 370.000 mold cells, while the lowest total log fungi were obtained which were 2.4 or 2.6 x 102 Cfu/g or 260 mold cells Ruslan A. DaengRuslanA.DaengAzis HusenAzisHusen Research article Open Access 10 May 2019 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.3.1.1-10 PDF (1MB) 390 views View Abstract 975 views Volume 3, No. 1, P: 1-10
Analysis of calcium levels in the carapace of rajungan crab (Portunus pelagicus) This research aims to determine differences in calcium levels in small crabs (Portunus pelagicus) in three parts, namely carapace/shell, claw feet and abdomen. This research was conducted from May to June 2023 at UD. Bumi Nusantara Pattiro Sompe, Sibulue, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi. The research method used is an experimental method. with three types of samples (abdomen, claw feet and carapace/shell), calcium level parameters with two repetitions. Data were analyzed using T-test. Based on the research results, it shows that the highest calcium levels are in the carapace/shell (46.77%), followed by the claws (41.91%), while the lowest are in the abdomen (40.76%). The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant difference in levels calcium between the carapace/shell and the abdomen and claw legs but did not differ significantly between the abdomen and claw legs. Wandi WandiWandiMutemainna KarimMutemainnaKarimHusni AngreniHusniAngreni Research article Open Access 12 Nov 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.2.165-168 PDF (1MB) 33 views View Abstract 184 views Volume 7, No. 2, P: 165-168
Analysis of criticality level of mangrove land in Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, Southeast Sulawesi Province As part of the life support system, the mangrove ecosystem in the Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park (TNRAW) has an ecological function as a spawning ground for fish in the waters, a filter for sea water intrusion into the mainland, and an absorber of heavy metals that are harmful to life, habitat for wildlife. migratory bird shelters; as well as barrier to coastal abrasion, hurricane winds and tsunamis. Aim of this study were to determine the critical level of mangroves using the terrestrial method (field survey) and to formulate the factors causing the criticality of mangroves in TNRAW. This research uses vegetation and descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that there are four families and eight species of mangroves in the research location. The four families are Meliaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Avicenniaceae and Combretacea with the dominating family was Rhizophoracea. Mangroves species found were Xylocarpus granatum K., Bruguiera gymnorrhiza L., Rhizophora mucronata Bl., Rhizophora apiculata L., Ceriops decandra, Ceriops tagal, Avicennia alba and Lumnitzera racemosa. The highest and lowest mangrove species diversity indexes in TNRAW were the seedling and tree strata, respectively with values 1,733 and 1,570. For the critical level of mangrove land measured at the four research stations, it shows that the mangrove ecosystem at the four research station is in a damaged condition. Causal factors of mangrove land critical in TNRAW were economic factors, education and skills, and weak of supervision of the authorities. Agusrinal AgusrinalAgusrinal Research article Open Access 11 Nov 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.2.169-173 PDF (1MB) 25 views View Abstract 310 views Volume 7, No. 2, P: 169-173
Analysis of income level and welfare of fishing gear fishers in Barombong Village, Makassar City South Sulawesi Province This study aimed to analyze the income level of fishing gear fishers and analyze the welfare level of fishing gear fishers in Barombong Village, Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province. Techniques data collection is done using observation, interviews using questionnaires and documentation. The type of data collected is data that is by the prosperous family indicators based on the 2019 BPS, namely; income data, household consumption or expenditure data, living conditions, household facilities, the health of family members, ease of obtaining health services, ease of entering children into education level and ease of securing transportation facilities. This research was carried out in Barombong Kacan Tamalate Village, Makassar City, in February - April 2021. The results showed that fishing gear fishermen respondents' average income per year was Rp. 36,905,833/year or Rp. 3,075,486/month and fall into the category of low-income level. Based on the 2019 BPS indicators, it is known that 24 respondents from 10 groups of fishing gear fishermen in the Barombong Village, Makassar City belong to the high welfare level as many as 8 respondents (33%) with a total indicator score of 20. As many as 16 respondents (67%) belong to the moderate welfare level with total indicator scores ranging from 18-19. Based on these results, it can be seen that the standard of living of fishing gear fishers in the Barombong Village, Makassar City, is classified as prosperous, with the fact that the income of respondents is low. Still, most of the life support has been provided by the government, especially in the health and education sectors, so that it does not burden household expenses. The addition of new jobs needs to be done as another source of income to increase welfare from a moderate level of interest to a high level of welfare. Roswiyanti RoswiyantiRoswiyantiAndi UmmungAndiUmmungAndi Nur Apung MassisengAndiN.Massiseng Research article Open Access 09 Mar 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.1.39-45 PDF (652KB) 195 views View Abstract 555 views Volume 6, No. 1, P: 39-45
Analysis of land suitability, carrying capacity, and development strategies for seaweed cultivation in Labakkang District, Pangkep Regency, Indonesia Analysis of land, its carrying capacity and development strategy of seaweed cultivation in Labakkang, Pangkajene Regency. This study attempts to: (1) analyze the suitability of coastal land that appropriate for seaweed cultivation, (2) determine the carrying capacity of the land for seaweed cultivation, (3) formulate strategies and policies that appropriate for seaweed cultivation. This study used biophysical field survey to assess the region, analyze the suitability of the land as well as the carrying capacity of the area by using a geographic information system. Furthermore, the research analyzed the strategy and policy of development of seaweed cultivation with A'WOT analysis approach. The results of the evaluation of the suitability of land for seaweed cultivation in coastal areas showed that Labakkang has potential approximately 1632.876 ha. The area is suitable for seaweed cultivation activities around 1035.54 ha, and unsuitable area around 597.336 ha. For carrying capacity of seaweed cultivation in the coastal area of Labakkang is for 40.55 units. The priority development strategy of seaweed cultivation is strengthening institutions to make a sustainable seaweed cultivation in Labakkang. Mosriula MosriulaMosriula Research article Open Access 28 Nov 2019 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.3.2.81-90 PDF (1MB) 207 views View Abstract 672 views Volume 3, No. 2, P: 81-90
Analysis of mangrove forest vegetation in Wambona Village, South Wakorumba District, Muna Regency, Indonesia The study aims to determine the type of vegetation that composes mangrove forests and their zoning patterns, to know the composition of mangrove vegetation types and to determine the level of mangrove forest diversity. This study was determined based on the characteristics of the research location ranging from those close to residential areas to those located close to the beach. The method used is systematic sampling which consists of nine observation blocks and each block is divided into four circular research plots. There are 9 types of vegetation that compose mangrove forests in Wambona Village, Wakorsel District, i.e. Avicenna alba BI, Bruguiera hainnessi, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lamk, Ceriops tagal (Perr), Rhizophora mucronata Lamk, Rhizophora stylosa Griff, Sonneratia alba J.E. Smith, Caseolaris sonneratia (L.) Engl. and Bruguiera parviflora (Roxb.) Important Value Index (IVI) of mangrove vegetation in Wambona Village, Wakorsel District namely; 300% for tree level, pole, stake and 200% for seedling level. Diversity of mangrove vegetation types in Wambona Village, Wakorsel District as a whole is in the moderate category (moderate stability) with each tree 1.54, pole 1.57, stake 1.49 and seedling 1.64. La Ode Hamruddin MomoLa OdeH.MomoWa Ode Sri RahayuWa OdeS.Rahayu Research article Open Access 28 May 2018 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.2.1.10-16 PDF (1MB) 592 views View Abstract 3022 views Volume 2, No. 1, P: 10-16
Analysis of Ornamental Fish Marketing before and during the covid-19 pandemic in Balang Baru Village, Makassar City Ornamental fish is one of the largest foreign exchange earners that have a strategic role in the Indonesian economy. During the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all economic sectors experienced a decline, including the marine and fisheries sectors. This study aims to examine how the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the marketing of ornamental fish in Balang Baru Village. The results showed that sales of ornamental fish before the pandemic were sold on a large scale with relatively uniform sizes and prices, while during the pandemic, sales were mostly done on a small scale or per head with prices that varied depending on size and color Andi UmmungAndiUmmungRoswiyanti RoswiyantiRoswiyantiMuhammad Adam AsgarMuhammadA.AsgarAndi Nur Apung MassisengAndiN.Massiseng Research article Open Access 27 Mar 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.1.47-50 PDF (231KB) 139 views View Abstract 555 views Volume 6, No. 1, P: 47-50
Analysis of priority locations for the development of Fishery Ports in the Southern of Java Island Fishing port has a strategic role to encourage the development of the fishing industry and generate a regional economy. In the spatial plan, a fishing port is one of the forms of spatial structures, and the zoning plan has a Fishing Port Zone for the working and operation of the fishing port area. The aim of this study is to determine the priority fishing ports in the South of Java Island which will be developed and accommodated in the zoning plan and spatial plan policies within the framework of regional development. The method used in this study is to perform weighting and scoring analysis on criteria and sub-criteria based on the physical aspects, disaster, accessibility, spatial planning and space utilization, fishery, and prospect estimation. The result of this study concludes that the priority fishing port locations that can be further developed, namely: PPN Prigi, PPS Cilacap, and PPN Palabuhan Ratu. Lia KusumawatiLiaKusumawatiArief SudiantoAriefSudiantoSuharyanto SuharyantoSuharyanto Research article Open Access 05 May 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.1.67-76 PDF (2MB) 59 views View Abstract 353 views Volume 7, No. 1, P: 67-76
Analysis of shoreline changes on the northeast coast of Nunukan Island, Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan Province This study aimed to analyze changes in the coastline in the Northeast of Nunukan Island, North Kalimantan Province and to determine the area in the Northeast of Nunukan Island, North Kalimantan Province, which experienced changes in the coastline. This research was conducted in February - March 2022 on the Northeast Coast of Nunukan Island, North Kalimantan Province. The type of data collected is satellite imagery for the last 6 years, 2017-2022. Data were analyzed using GIS software with cropping, radiometric correction, geometric correction, image enhancement, shoreline digitization and overlay methods. The results showed that the rate of change of the eastern coastline of Nunukan Island in 2017 was 13,457.91 m long, 2018 was 14,266.82 m long, 2019 was 14,787.25 m long, 2020 was 14,762.21 m long, 2021 was 15,369.23 m long, and in 2022 it is 15,968.22 m. The area that has experienced a change in coastline on Nunukan Island, North Kalimantan Province, namely in 2017 covering an area of 21.70 ha, in 2018 covering an area of 22.27 ha, in 2019 covering an area of 23.34 ha, in 2020 covering an area of 23.74 ha, in 2021 covering an area of 24 .26 ha and in 2022 it will be 32.82 ha. This study concludes that the area of change in the coastline has changed significantly from 2017 to 2022. Wahyuti WahyutiWahyutiJaya JayaJayaAndi UmmungAndiUmmung Research article Open Access 30 May 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.1.101-106 PDF (458KB) 23 views View Abstract 275 views Volume 7, No. 1, P: 101-106
Analysis of suitability and carrying capacity of baronang fish (Siganus sp) cultivation in coastal waters of Maros Regency Siganus sp is one of the leading commodities that have high economic value. Until now, the market demand for Siganus sp continues to increase so that the prospect of its cultivation is very promising. The problem that arises specifically for fishermen in the coastal sub-district of Maros Regency is that there is no data and knowledge about suitable locations for the cultivation of Siganus sp. This study aims to determine the area that is suitable for cultivation of Siganus sp in the coastal district of Maros Regency. Data collection techniques were carried out by literature studies and direct field observations by taking coordinates and measuring oceanographic parameters (temperature, salinity, pH, brightness, dissolved oxygen, depth, current velocity). Water quality data were analyzed by weighting, overlaying and layout using GIS analysis. This research was conducted in the waters of the coastal sub-district of Maros Regency in January-August 2021. The results showed that the location of the suitability of Siganus sp aquaculture waters in the coastal sub-district of Maros Regency obtained suitable waters (S) for the development of Siganus sp cultivation covering an area of 630.36 ha and waters that are not suitable (N) for the development of cultivation Siganus sp covering an area of 681.2 ha. Jaya JayaJayaMuhammad Haritza LaitteMuhammadH.LaitteFebri FebriFebri Research article Open Access 09 Mar 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.1.51-56 PDF (1MB) 95 views View Abstract 643 views Volume 6, No. 1, P: 51-56
Analysis of the leading fisheries sector in the minapolitan area of Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi Province The purpose of this study was to determine the existing condition of the minapolitan area in Pangkep district and to determine the leading sector of capture fisheries and aquaculture commodities in the minapolitan area of Pangkep District, South Sulawesi Province. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, interviews using questionnaires and documentation. The type of data collected is primary data, namely observation data regarding facilities supporting fishery activities in the Minapolitan area, interview data for respondents from fisheries business actors or fisheries households regarding fishery activities and demographics, then secondary data from agencies related to the production of fishery commodities in Pangkep Regency. And South Sulawesi. This research was conducted in the minapolitan area of Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi Province, in February – April 2021. The results showed that the existing condition in the availability of infrastructure facilities in the minapolitan area in the mainland area of Pangkep Regency, especially at the level of availability of facilities, was categorized as medium. Supporting facilities for fishery activities are at an availability level of 61.6 per cent because many are abandoned due to not being able to optimize their operations. The leading fishery commodities in the Minapolitan area that have the export potential are Tilapia, Patin, Cottonii seaweed and Milkfish. Fishery commodities that have the potential to meet local market demand are Vanamei Shrimp and Windu Shrimp. Fishery commodities that are not superior are Gracillaria Seaweed, Carp, Catfish and Crayfish. Malik MalikMalikRosnida RosnidaRosnidaAndi Nur Apung MassisengAndiN.Massiseng Research article Open Access 27 Feb 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.1.31-37 PDF (395KB) 86 views View Abstract 415 views Volume 6, No. 1, P: 31-37
Analysis of the role of fisherwomen from TPI Untia Makassar City in sustainable fisheries development The role of women in the fisheries sector is often neglected, even though women in coastal areas and fishery areas, such as ponds and TPI, almost dominate. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of fisherwomen in TPI Untia Makassar City in the development of sustainable fisheries. The research was conducted from September to October 2021, in the community of fisherwomen at TPI Untia, Makassar City. The type of data collected in this study is primary data. The method used to collect or obtain data is a survey method with interview techniques. The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling technique. The results of the factor analysis showed that the five variables studied to describe the role of fisherwomen from TPI Untia Makassar City in the development of sustainable fisheries were declared feasible and valid with a correlation value of 0.735. The five variables are divided into 2 factors (components), namely; factor 1, which includes; variable economic role, social role, and domestic role. While factor 2 which includes; participatory and institutional variables. Muh YusranMuhYusranHasbi HasbiHasbiSakaria SakariaSakariaMuhammad SabiqMuhammadSabiq Research article Open Access 17 Nov 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.2.125-129 PDF (248KB) 52 views View Abstract 263 views Volume 6, No. 2, P: 125-129
Analysis the effect of plant growth regulator (Gibgro-20T) on seaweed Eucheuma cottonii by in vitro This study aims to determine the effect of the dose of plant growth regulator (PGR) Gibgro-20T on the growth of Eucheuma cottonii in-vitro. The experimental method used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) treatment with a Gibgro-20T dose of 0 ppm (control), 5 ppm, 10 ppm, and 15 ppm. The results showed that the highest weight growth rate (RGRW) obtained at 10 ppm PGR dose, which is 1.27% per day. Meanwhile, the highest length growth rate (RGRL) obtained at a dose of 10 ppm, which was 1.72% per day, and the highest RGRL was significantly different from the control (0 ppm) and 5 ppm but was not different real (P<0.05) with 15 ppm treatment. Using Gibgro-20T at doses of 5, 10, and 15 ppm, however, doses of 10 and 15 ppm show higher length growth. Muhammad KasnirMuhammadKasnirKhairun NisaaKhairunNisaaHarlina HarlinaHarlinaMasyita MasyitaMasyita Research article Open Access 10 Mar 2021 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.5.1.15-19 PDF (1MB) 113 views View Abstract 700 views Volume 5, No. 1, P: 15-19
Application of NDVI Transformation on Sentinel 2A Imagery for mapping mangrove conditions in Makassar City Mangrove ecosystems consist of tropical plants that have adapted to the salinity, tidal fluctuations, and loose soil condition. Identification of mangrove ecosystems can be carried out by direct survey methods or by utilizing remote sensing technology. This study aims to map the area, percent cover, and density of mangroves in Makassar City using Sentinel 2A Imagery. The method used is the NDVI transformation, followed by Unsupervised-ISODATA classification, ground check with the 10 x 10-meter plotting method, and hemispherical photography. The results showed that the existence of mangroves in Makassar City was still found in the Tallo and Biringkanaya districts, with 68.81 ha of mangrove ecosystem cover area in the range of 84.36 - 91.89% (dense category). Likewise, the vegetation index based on NDVI analysis ranged from 0.73 - 0.81 (dense category), and the species density was in the range of 2700 - 6400 trees/Ha (dense category). Sentinel-2A imagery transformed with NDVI can be used to track mangrove areas and their density. The wide distribution of mangrove ecosystems in Makassar is relatively small but has good conditions. Ahmad FaizalAhmadFaizalNita MutmainnaNitaMutmainnaMuh Anshar AmranMuh AnsharAmranAmran SaruAmranSaruKhairul AmriKhairulAmriMuh Nastsir NessaMuh NastsirNessa Research article Open Access 07 Mar 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.1.59-66 PDF (1MB) 360 views View Abstract 975 views Volume 7, No. 1, P: 59-66
Bio-desalination of sea water using floating plants; A laboratory experiment on three mangroves species The plant species mangrove has been knowed to be effective for the bio-desalination process. However, there is currently no scientific evidence supporting the ability of mangrove bio-desalination when implemented through the floating method. This laboratory-scale study aimed to evaluate the bio-desalination of several mangrove species using the floating method. This study consisted of four treatments and three replicates. Treatments included a control group without mangroves (treatment A) and three treatments using mangroves (treatments B, C, and D), Bruguiera sp., Rhizophora sp., and Avicennia sp., which were positioned floating in a tank using a tray. During the eight weeks of rearing, nutrients were provided through 60 mL liquid NPK fertilization. The results showed that there was a decrease in salinity concentration in all mangrove treatments between 22.5-23.9 ppt from the initial salinity of 30 ppt. Different results were observed for the treatment without mangroves, and the salinity concentration tended to increase until the end of the research to 31.6 ppt. The highest Salinity Reduction Efficiency (SRE) was achieved by Avicennia sp.. (25.1%), followed by Rhizophora sp. (22.8%), and the lowest in Bruguiera sp. (20.3%). The results of this study showed that bio-desalination using mangroves had a significant effect on SRE, and each treatment indicated a significant difference (p<0.05). The results of this study provide initial evidence of the potential of the mangrove floating method for bio-desalination of seawater into brackish water. Mesalina Tri HidayaniMesalinaT.HidayaniSri WulandariSriWulandariHeriansah HeriansahHeriansahElmi Novrianti AgusmaElmiN.Agusma Research article Open Access 12 Nov 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.2.159-164 PDF (1MB) 41 views View Abstract 350 views Volume 7, No. 2, P: 159-164
Business Model Canvas for local salt business in Bangkala District, Jeneponto Regency (Case Study of Bangkala Ramah Local Salt Business Group) This study aimed to identify the potential of local salt in the Bangkala Ramah salt business group and to analyze the Business Model Canvas of the local salt business in the Bangkala Ramah salt business group, Bangkala District, Jeneponto Regency. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. This research was carried out in Minasatene Subdistrict, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi Province, from March - June 2022. The results of this study are the potential for people's salt business in the Bangkala Ramah salt business group is Rp. 698,000,000/year, with a total production of 13,960 Kg/year, produced on an area of 9,095 M² with an entire production plot of 107 plots. The results of the Business Model Canvas analysis on the Bangkala Ramah salt business group need improvements to the BMC elements: (1) Customer Segments: added dried fish processors, restaurants, supermarkets, minimarkets, stalls, and traditional markets. (2) Value Propositions: making smaller packaging of coarse salt with its brand and refined iodized salt with its brand. (3) Channels: adding emails as email transactions and data storage. (4) Customer Relationship: forming a salt producer community group. (5) Revenue Streams: income streams from business diversification and invoice generation for marketing administration needs. (6) Key Resources: capital/financial, production machinery and storage warehouse. (7) Key Activities: use production technology and build partner alliances. (8) Key Partnership: Government agencies managing PUGAR and KUGAR throughout Jeneponto Regency. (9) Cost Structure: Transportation rental costs and product storage warehouse rentals. Muhammad Adam AsgarMuhammadA.AsgarIrfan RamisIrfanRamisAndi UmmungAndiUmmungAndi Nur Apung MassisengAndiN.Massiseng Research article Open Access 15 Nov 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.2.109-117 PDF (701KB) 71 views View Abstract 288 views Volume 6, No. 2, P: 109-117
Community structure of macrozoobenthos in seagrass bed on Barrang Lompo Island Macrozoobenthos are bottom animals that play an important role in the productivity of waters in seagrass beds. This study aims to determine the species composition, density of macrozoobenthos, community structure of macrozoobenthos and the relationship between seagrass density and density of macrozoobenthos. The research method used is purposive sampling method, this method is taken based on certain reasons and criteria. This research was conducted in June-July 2022 on Barrang Lompo Island. Sangkarrang District, Makassar City. There were 26 species found consisting of 4 classes namely Bivalvia, Gastropods, Chepalopods and Crustacea with a total of 283 ind and dominated by the Gastropod class, both from the number of species and individual density. Macrozoobenthos community structure on Barrang Lompo Island at station I and II with a moderate diversity index (H'), moderate uniformity index (E') and low dominance index (D). The types of seagrass found at stations I and II were Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, and Cymodocea rotundata. The regression results of the relationship between seagrass density and macrozoobenthos density on Barrang Lompo Island show a weak relationship, which means that seagrass density has no relationship with macrozoobenthos density but macrozoobenthos density is influenced by physical and chemical factors of the waters and the type of sandy substrate. Ayu AyuAyuNursyahran NursyahranNursyahranMesalina Tri HidayaniMesalinaT.Hidayani Research article Open Access 02 Mar 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.1.53-58 PDF (1MB) 39 views View Abstract 323 views Volume 7, No. 1, P: 53-58
Community structure of the Fiddler Crab (Uca spp.) at Bahak Indah Beach, Tongas, Probolinggo – East Java The fiddler crab (Uca spp.) is a type of animal belonging to the crustacean group that lives on the coast of Bahak Indah, Tongas, Probolinggo. The high level of anthropogenic activity on the beach of Bahak Indah makes the fiddler crab community increasingly depressed and its habitat decreasing. The purpose of this study was to compare the community structure of fiddler crabs at Bahak Beach, Tongas, Probolinggo. The study was conducted in January – February 2022. The determination of observation stations was purposive based on the consideration of the presence and absence of mangrove vegetation. Sampling of fiddler crabs used a systematic sampling method using transects and plots. Community structure data analysis includes diversity, uniformity, and dominance indices displayed in graphical form. Based on the results of the study found 4 types of fiddler crabs in Bahak Indah Beach, namely Uca cryptica, Uca perplexa, Uca coarctata, and Uca dussumieri. The value of diversity on the beach with mangrove habitat is in the medium category, while on the beach habitat without mangrove vegetation it is in the low category. The uniformity value obtained in mangrove habitats is in the high category, while in coastal habitats without mangrove vegetation it is found in the medium category. On the other hand, the dominance index value is in the low category in coastal habitats with mangrove vegetation, and the moderate category in coastal habitats without mangrove vegetation. The relationship between the Diversity (H') of the fiddler crab and the environmental conditions of the Bahak Indah Beach waters is that it has a positive correlation with water pH parameters with sufficient correlation and soil pH with a strong correlation. While the correlation with temperature parameters is strong but negative. Likewise, salinity is quite strong but negative. Nur MalichatinNurMalichatinHusain LatuconsinaHusainLatuconsinaHasan ZayadiHasanZayadi Research article Open Access 20 Nov 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.2.135-140 PDF (480KB) 104 views View Abstract 666 views Volume 6, No. 2, P: 135-140
Comparison of probiotics with different concentrations on the growth and survival rate of Bonylip Barb (Osteochilus vittatus) Bonylip barb (Osteochilus vittatus) is one of Indonesia's local fish which is starting to bloom in cultivation. One of the important needs in the development of fish farming is feed, to increase feed efficiency by providing probiotics which play a role in increasing growth, survival rates, digestibility, feed efficiency, the immune system and the composition of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract of fish. This study aims to compare the concentration of different probiotics in commercial feed on the growth and survival of barley nilem (Osteochilus vittatus). The research was conducted at Pandaan Aquaculture Installation (IPB), Pasuruan Regency, East Java. Experimental study using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. Statistical analysis to compare growth performance (length and weight) and survival of nilem fish used analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. The results showed that there were differences in the growth of weight, length, and survival of barley nilem (Osteochilus vittatus) on commercial feed with different concentrations of probiotics. Where there is a tendency that the higher the concentration of probiotics in commercial feed, the higher the growth in length and weight and survival of nilem fish (O. vittatus). Fatimatus SaadahFatimatusSaadahRatna Djuniwati LisminingsihRatnaD.LisminingsihHusain LatuconsinaHusainLatuconsina Research article Open Access 29 Jan 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.1.23-28 PDF (1MB) 26 views View Abstract 332 views Volume 7, No. 1, P: 23-28
Composition of types fishing gear in Barru regency waters in the pandemic time of Covid-19 The potential of marine fish resources in Districts Barru is multi-species, especially pelagic fish. Therefore, in the management and utilization of fishery resources it is very possible for the community to be able to operate various fishing gear. This study aims to determine the composition of the types of fishing gear operated by fishermen in Barru Districts waters of during the pandemic Covid 19. Data collection was carried out from September to October 2020 in around the waters and coastal areas in Barru Districts. This study used a descriptive survey method, by collecting available data (secondary data) in the form of: categories of types and numbers of fishing gears. besides that, field observations will also be carried out. During the pandemic Covid-19, the operation of fishing gear in Barru Districts waters was 13 types of fishing gear, with a composition consisting of four types of fishing gears that were predominantly used, namely 622 drifting gill nets (28.4%), hand lines (21, 7%), Bottom gill nets (19.9%), trolling line (9.6%). Meanwhile, the least used fishing gear was 8 Bagan Tancap (lift net) (0.4%). Hasmawati HasmawatiHasmawatiAdam AdamAdamMuhammad ArasMuhammadArasSalman SalmanSalman Research article Open Access 29 May 2021 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.5.1.21-24 PDF (219KB) 93 views View Abstract 523 views Volume 5, No. 1, P: 21-24
Concentration, distribution, and characteristics of microplastic in estuary, coast and marine organisms in Indonesia: A Preliminary Review There is a rising concern regarding the accumulation of microplastics (MPs) in the aquatic ecosystems. Monitoring effort is crucial to understand the concentration and distribution of MPs. The objective of this paper is to mapping the concentration and characteristics of MPs distributed/deposited in estuary, coast, sediment, and marine organism in Indonesia based on data published from the last five years. In the estuary and coast, the highest MPs concentration were located in Brantas River, East Java, around 133 - 5467 particles/m3. In sediment, the highly amount of MP’s, 1136 particles/kg, were found in Kawal village, Bintan Island, Riau. In marine organism, horn snail (Telescopium telescopium) from Rambut Island, Jakarta Bay contained the highest amount of MP’s around 764.81 particles/individual . MPs were commonly found in fragments, fibers, and films with size ranging between 1 μm - 5 mm. Those MPs are mostly made of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS) and polyesters (PES). The data summary obtained in this study could be useful for understanding the sources of MPs as well as monitoring the environmental condition in the aquatic ecosystems. Nurhana Rafika SariNurhanaR.SariAzizah Intan PangestyAzizahI.PangestyMochamad ChalidMochamadChalidOman ZuasOmanZuas Review Article Open Access 18 May 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.1.57-64 PDF (1MB) 81 views View Abstract 1004 views Volume 6, No. 1, P: 57-64