The contribution of women in fisheries at the Ayau Archipelago is vital, this evidence can be regarded in their important role in family. This study aims to examine the contribution of coastal women in improving family economics. The methods used are interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Our study revealed that their level education are mostly at elementary graduates. Our compiled data analysis listed that their low level graduation are shown in the following list: Meosbekwan Village 60%, Rutum 67%, Abidon 100% and Reni 88%. In addition, they are housewives and helping husband in the various role in order to have additional incomes by producing salted fish, dry sea cucumbers, and sea worms product. Finally, they performed a significant alternative income between IDR 3,000,000 and IDR 5,000,000.00 per month.
Amir M. SuruwakyAmirM.Suruwaky
Handayani HandayaniHandayani
Ivonne M. LeiwakabessyIvonneM.Leiwakabessy
Ratna RatnaRatna
Munzir MunzirMunzir
Syahrul SyahrulSyahrul
Nasrul FauziNasrulFauzi
Roman Hadi SaputroRomanHadiSaputro
Michel Jacson Nalawo PotolauMichel JacsonNalawoPotolau
Intanurfemi B. HismayasariIntanurfemiB.Hismayasari
Management of blue swimming crab resources requires information about the condition of the blue swimming crab to determine the size that can be caught. The aim of this research is to analyze the structure of carapace width, gonad maturity level, and condition factors of blue swimming crab in the waters of Kampung Madong, Tanjungpinang City. The sampling point uses a purposive sampling method. Data collection used the census method. Fishing equipment used 60 bento traps. The results showed that 149 blue swimming crab samples were caught, consisting of 60 males and 89 females. The distribution of carapace width sizes on average is 95 - 103 mm which dominates. The growth coefficient for male blue swimming crab is the b value of 1.47 and for females the b value is 1.57, the dominant TKG is TKG II. The condition factor value is in the slightly flat category.
Levels of density, production and decomposition of litter in Dompak Estuary Waters. The aim of this research is to determine the level of density, production and decomposition of Mangrove litter in the Dompak Estuary Waters of Tanjungpinang City. This research was carried out in February - March 2024. In determining the sampling points the researchers used the Purposive Sampling method. Sampling in this research used the line transect method. The results of the research show that the level of mangrove density at station 1 is 1,299 ind/ha in the medium category, station 2 is 599 ind/ha in the rare category and station 3 is 1,666 ind/ha in the dense category. Mangrove cover at station 1. Amounted to 73.83% with medium criteria in the medium category. Station 2. Amounting to 65.60% with medium criteria in the medium category and station 3 amounting to 79.93 with solid criteria in the good category and the production of mangrove litter in Dompak Estuary Waters is 3.09 gbk/m2. With a leaf composition of 7.10 gbk/m2, twigs of 0.48 gbk/m2 and flowers/leaves of 1.69 gbk/m2. Mangrove decomposition at station 1 was 21.74%, station 2 was 29.88% and station 3 was 21.14%.
The objective of this study is to determine the impact of feeding tempeh dregs at varying doses on tilapia growth and survival (Oreochromis niloticus). The study was conducted from March to May 2023 in Wataliku Village, Kabangka District, Muna Regency. The study employed a completely randomized design with four treatments that involved the administration of tempeh dregs in the diet. These were designated as follows: treatment A (control) was commercial feed; treatment B was 10% tempeh dregs; treatment C was 15% tempeh dregs; and treatment D was 20% tempeh dregs. Each treatment was replicated three times. The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a confidence level of 95% (α0.05). The study results demonstrated that the highest specific growth was observed with the addition of 20% tempe dregs, with an average of 2.97% per day. This was followed by 15% tempe dregs (2.47% per day), 10% tempe dregs (2.28% per day), and commercial feed (2.00% per day). The highest absolute growth was observed in the treatment that included 20% tempe dregs, with an average of 1.04 g per individual. This was followed by the treatment that included 15% tempe dregs (0.87 g per individual), the treatment that included 10% tempe dregs (0.80 g per individual), and the treatment that included commercial feed (0.00 g per individual). It should be noted that survival was 100% in all treatments. Analysis of variance (α0.05) demonstrated that administration of tempe dregs at varying doses had a statistically significant impact on the specific and absolute growth of tilapia larvae (Oreochromis niloticus).
Socio-economic studies are closely related to society, their needs, and how to fulfill them. One way society can meet its needs is by processing natural resources, such as agricultural and fishery activities. Agricultural and fishery activities that do not pay attention to conservation principles can cause land degradation, such as erosion, landslides, and extinction of natural resources. Socio-economic studies influence people's behavior in managing natural resources to meet basic needs. North Maluku Province has an area of 145,801.10 km² and is surrounded by estuary waters. The purpose of this study was to determine the socioeconomic conditions of coastal communities domiciled in the Ternate Nusantara Fisheries Port (NFP) Area, North Maluku Province. This research was conducted from January 2024 - to March 2024 at the Ternate Nusantara Fisheries Port (NFP) Ternate, North Maluku Province. The research methods used were observation, interviews, and questionnaires processed using a Likert scale. The results of this study indicate that the income of fishermen is highly dependent on weather conditions during fishing, while their expenses are related to the cost of fishing equipment and the fishermen's lifestyle. The higher the income earned, the greater the expenses. The community who do not work as fishermen, the processing industry plays a very important role as the main job that can increase income around the Ternate Nusantara Fisheries Port (NFP).
This study was conducted to determine the socio-economic conditions of the foreign fish processing community in Ambesia Village, Tomini District, Parigi Motong Regency. This study was conducted in January 2024 - March 2024. A salted fish processor works in salted fish processing and knows the concept of salted fish processing principles. Salted fish processing activities include designing and implementing fisheries and offering salted fish prices. This study aims to determine the socio-economic conditions of salted fish processors in Ambesia Village, as well as to determine the prospects and obstacles in developing the salted fish business. Data collection was carried out using observation and interview methods, as well as questionnaires. Determination of respondents was carried out by census, namely taking the entire population consisting of 30 people from the salted fish processing community in Ambesia Village, Tomini District, Parigi Moutong Regency. In general, the economic conditions in Ambesia Village are supported by several types of alternative livelihoods for the community, such as fishermen, carpenters, laborers, civil servants, domestic helpers, mechanics, small entrepreneurs, traveling traders, and others. Constraints in the salted fish processing business are influenced by the availability of raw materials, low quality, and low level of education of salted fish processors. The profit of salted fish processors is Rp 3,754,346/month from the types of salted anchovies, lolosi, and dolo-dolo.