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Volume 16 Issue 2, October 2023

Credit cover image by: Umar Tangke/UMMU Ternate

Research Article(4 articles)

  • Gambar 2. Tambang Pasir Laut PT. Gasing Sulawesi.

    Makassar City is one of the cities in Indonesia, with a large population and rapid economic activity with office buildings, settlements, industry, ports and other facilities such as trade, entertainment and tourism centres. This has attracted attention due to the need for more land to support the growth and development of the City area. One way to create new space in beach reclamation. The local government utilizes the coastal area to carry out various activities. One of the areas adjacent to Makassar City, which is used as mining for reclamation, is North Galesong District, Takalar Regency. Dredging sand for reclamation creates social conflict for the people of North Galesong. Excessive and uncontrolled use of sea sand can damage its carrying capacity. In addition to environmental impacts, socio-economic impacts are a significant problem in areas affected by sand mining and carried out by business people and the government in supporting the development of the Center Point of Indonesia CPI and New Port. Responding to these problems, this study aims to analyze the impact of sea sand mining on the socio-economic community of Aeng Batu-Batu Village, North Galesong District, Takalar Regency. The research method used is a case study investigating various phenomena. The population in this study is related to and directly impacts sea sand mining with a sampling technique, namely Non Purposive Sampling. The survey results show that sand mining activities in Aeng Batu Batu Village, North Galesong District, Takalar Regency have a socio-economic impact on the local community, which has a very significant impact on the conditions before and after sea sand mining activities. These impacts are: 1) Disturbing the activities of small fishermen, namely by the back and forth and the activities of sea sand mining companies. 2) Reducing the catch of fishing line and gill net fishermen by up to 80%. 3) Disturbing fishing operations, namely by disturbing the target habitat of fishermen. 4) Disturbing the fishing area so that the fishing ground changes, which results in increased operational costs.

    • Lukman DarisLukmanDaris
    • Asriandi AsriandiAsriandi
    • Irwansyah IrwansyahIrwansyah
    • Arifandi ArifandiArifandi
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 16, No 2, P: 179-189
  • Map Location

    Bivalves are marine biota found in the waters of Terkulai Island, Tanjungpinang City, and as one of the catches of fishermen.  However, there is no research study on bivalves. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of bivalves, the structure of the bivalve community, and the relationship between the structure of the bivalve community and environmental parameters in the waters of Terkulai Island. This research was conducted in April-August 2023. Determination of sampling points using random sampling method as many as 30 points with sampling plots measuring 1x1m. bivalves found in the type of sand substrate slightly muddy gravel as many as 10 species, and the gravel sand substrate type consists of 2 species. The Circe scripta species was the species with the highest density in both substrate types with values of 0.37 ind/m2 and 0.20 ind/m2. The community structure based on the substrate type of slightly silty gravel and gravelly sand was obtained for the diversity value (H') of the bivalves ranging from 1.804 and 0.562. The uniformity value (E) ranged from 0.784 to 0.244. the dominance value (D) was found to range from 0.253 and 0.625. The measurement results of the physicochemical parameters of the waters are still at a feasible threshold for bivalve life. The principal component analysis (PCA) shows the density of bivalves with water parameters has a positive correlation with DO and pH.

    • Dilla SahillaDillaSahilla
    • Susiana SusianaSusiana
    • Dedy KurniawanDedyKurniawan
    • Rochmady RochmadyRochmady
    • Karyawati KaryawatiKaryawati
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 16, No 2, P: 191-199
  • Yellow maize is an important commodity in the national food security system. Wakadia Village is the largest producer of yellow maize in Watopute District, Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The yellow maize farming cultivated on state land that was ex-teak forest. The aim of the research is to analyze the financial performance of yellow maize farming on ex-teak forest land in Wakadia Villag on its profits and feasibility aspects. The research is conducted on July to August 2022. Population of the study was 414 units yellow maize farming those are cultivated during rainy planting season on 2021 year. Its sample size is 40 units farm. Sampling used multistage cluster sampling technique. Collecting the data used face-to-face interview techniques with every owner of  the farming samples. Analyzing the data used quantitative descriptive techniques, including cost analysis, revenue analysis, income analysis, and R/C analysis. The results of the research show that the financial performance of yellow corn farming on former teak forest land in Wakadia Village achieved an average income of Rp. 4,448,350.57/ha, R/C = 1.42 so it is profitable and worthy to be developed.

    • Alimin AliminAlimin
    • Darbin IbinDarbinIbin
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 16, No 2, P: 201-208
  • Batukara District is the largest producer of cayenne pepper in Muna Regency, so it requires marketing channels that are profitable and fair. The aim of this research is to examine the distribution channels for fresh cayenne pepper from Batukara District and analyze the total margin and farmer share for each. Data was collected through face-to-face and by telephone. Data was analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of this research show: (1) The marketing channels for fresh cayenne pepper from Batukara District are: (a) Channel 1.a, starting with producers, collecting traders from Batukara District, wholesalers in Kendari City, retailers in Kendari City, ending to consumers in Kendari City; (b) Channel 1.b, starting with producers, collecting traders from Batukara District and Wakorumba District, wholesalers in Ambon City, retailers in Ambon City, ending with consumers in Ambon City; (c) Channel 2.a, starting with producers, collecting traders from Batukara District, retailers in village markets in Batukara District, ending with consumers in the Batukara District area; (d) Channel 2.b, starting with producers, collecting traders from Labuan, retailers at Labuan Market, ending with consumers in Wakorumba District; (e) Channel 3, starting with producers, retailers at Raha Central Market, ending with consumers in Raha City; (2) The total margin is an average of Rp. 33,000,-/kg; (3) Farmer share is an average of 60.93%.

    • Alimin AliminAlimin
    • Serli TandipayungSerliTandipayung
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 16, No 2, P: 209-216
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