Volume 14 Issue 2, October 2021
Credit cover image by: Umar Tangke/UMMU Ternate
Research Article(29 articles)
Analysis of the profits cultivation of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) with different feeding at Pokdakan Simaranang, Ampekale village, Bontoa District, Maros Regency
Milkfish is a commodity from aquaculture that is in great demand by the community, both for local consumption and export commodities. In the fish farming business, including milkfish, the feeding management process is one of the efforts made to support the success of the aquaculture business because feed is one of the determining factors for the success of cultivation, both in terms of feed quantity and feed quality. In Ampekale Village, Bontoa District, Maros Regency, a group of fish cultivators (Pokdakan) where some cultivators anticipate the high price of artificial feed by substituting expired noodles and bread as a substitute for artificial feed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of profit for milkfish cultivators who used different feeds, namely cultivators who used feeds of (1) expired noodles or bread; (2) commercial feed; and (3) mixed feed between expired noodles or bread + commercial feed. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using variance (ANOVA) analysis to see the effect of different feeding on the profits of milkfish cultivators in the Simaranang fish cultivator group (Pokdakan), then continued with the W-Tuckey test to see the difference in profits between each cultivator. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the highest annual cultivation profit was obtained by cultivators who used a mixture of commercial feed and expired noodle/bread feed (Rp. 16,681,750/year) followed by cultivators who used commercial feed (Rp 9,123,000/year) and the profit. The lowest was experienced by cultivators who only used expired noodles/bread (Rp. 7,875,000/year)
- Lukman DarisLukmanDaris
- Andi MasriahAndiMasriah
- Andi Nur Apung MassisengAndiNur ApungMassiseng
- Febri FebriFebri
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (433KB) 179 viewsView Abstract 525 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 199-205 -
The Relationship Between The Production Of Cultural Values And Social Change (Study of the Fisherman Community of Paotere Harbor During the Covid-19 Pandemic)
This study examines the cultural values that underlie social changes in the fishing community of Makassar City, with the Paotere Harbor Fish Auction Place as its economic locus. The type of research is library research. The data were collected using a sociological approach and using the theory of strategy and social change as the analytical framework. This study found three important things: first, the economy of the fishing community experienced a drastic change towards stagnation after the Covid-19 pandemic, second, the value system and cultural values of the local community were also affected, where the values of harmony ended in conflict, third, the government's strategy to facing social changes due to the non-integrative covid-19 pandemic, so that one community problem was able to be resolved and the negative impact of covid-19 was slightly eliminated, but on another issue, in the sector which still involves fishermen and marine livelihoods, fishing communities feel disadvantaged.
- Andi MurniAndiMurni
- Rahmat MuhammadRahmatMuhammad
- Sakaria SakariaSakaria
- Muhammad SabiqMuhammadSabiq
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (428KB) 77 viewsView Abstract 368 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 207-215 -
The Green Campus Concept using UI GreenMetric for Sports Center Facilities of Universitas Papua Manokwari
The present study aims to assess the impact of the green campus score indicator on the development of sports infrastructure at Universitas Papua, Manokwari. The assessment method for implementing a green campus using UI GreenMetric as the criteria met the specified score standard. The analysis findings indicated that the implementation is adequate, following the green campus indicator analysis on the UNIPA Campus's sports center infrastructure. There are only a few indicators that need to be improved in constructing a sports center, such as managing and monitoring development implementation, the use of environmentally friendly tools, managing and monitoring the impacts caused by development activities, and the campus providing regular budgets. In addition, other indicators are thought to have been well field implemented. Based on these findings, a strategy for environmental structuring and green campus infrastructure is required for the UNIPA campus sports center infrastructure. The strategy emphasizes the importance of paying attention to potential threats that may arise as a result of construction, such as environmental damage, the emergence of new residential clusters that do not follow the UNIPA campus, and the emergence of new residential clusters that do not follow the UNIPA campus
- Marsudi MarsudiMarsudi
- H.R. PartinoH.R.Partino
- Bambang NugrohoBambangNugroho
- D. S. MabuiD. S.Mabui
- Roni BawoleRoniBawole
- Syafrudin RaharjoSyafrudinRaharjo
- Anton SineriAntonSineri
- Andoyo SupriyantonoAndoyoSupriyantono
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (1MB) 546 viewsView Abstract 377 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 216-231 -
The Effect of Sucrose Proportion and Glutinous Rice Towards Organoleptic Properties on Dodol Banana Ambon
The purpose of this study was to determine the organoleptic properties of banana fruit dodoo with the influence of the prorortion of sucrose and glutinous rice flour. With the treatment accordedthe G1T1 =Sucrose 400 g, 400 g glutinous rice flour,G2T1 =Sucrose 500 g, 400 g glutinous rice flour, and G2T2 = Sucrose 500 g, 500 g glutinous rice flour, and G3T2 = Sucrose 600 g, 400 g glutinous rice flour. Test carried out by organoleptic methods study was conducted in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 1 factors: faktor T = variation in starch and sucrose factor G =variation. At every level and every unit treatmen done 3 replicates so as to obtain 3x6=18 experimental units.then do the analysis that includes the organoleptic properties are: color,flavor and texture. All of the organoleptic properties (color,flavor and texture) gives a significantly different effect on the combination treatmen and observation. Organoleptic testing of the banana fruit dodoo with the treatment the proportion of sucrouse and glutinous rice flour produces different color values from 1.91 to 3.96 (very not-neutral brown), taste from 3.10 to 4.12 (neutral-taste banana) andtexture 2.05 to 4.40 (not chewy-chewy).of all the treatments dodoo banana fruit is best in this study was the proportion of sucrose and glutinous riceflour in trearmen (G1T1) with organoleptic results are: 3.77 color,flavor 4.12 and texture 4.15.
- Mustamin Anwar MasukuMustaminAnwarMasuku
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 45 viewsView Abstract 207 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 232-242 -
Perbandingan Kombinasi Toga Dan Pakan Basal Sebagai Imunomodulator Pada Ayam Pejantan (Comparison Of Combination Of Toga And Basalt Feed As Immunomodulator In Male Chickens)
Ayam pejantan memiliki sistem pencernaan yang sederhana dan mudah terserang stres panas. Tapi ayam ini memiliki kelebihan antara lain: rendah lemak, tinggi protein dan harga DOC ( Day Old Chick ) nya yang murah dibandingkan dengan DOC ayam broiler. Oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, kekebalan sistem kekebalan dan menekan tingginya mortalitas salah satunya dengan pemanfaatan zat bioaktif yang dari kombinasi tepung: Kunyit ( Curcuma longa Linn.), Jahe ( Zingiber officinale Roscoe), temulawak ( Curcuma xanthorrhiza ), temu ireng ( Curcuma aeruginosa). Gabungan kombinasi herbal tersebut Mulus TOGA (Tanaman Obat Keluarga). Maka tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan, untuk membandingkan hasil antara penambahan kombinasi TOGA dalam pakan sebagai imunomodulator pada ayam pejantan. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Faktorial dengan 2 perlakuan yakni: perlakuan P1 dan perlakuan P2 (campuran bahan dasar dengan kombinasi tepung TOGA). Hewan uji menggunakan 40 ekor ayam pejantan dengan bobot rerata 50 g. Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 20 ekor ayam dibagi menjadi dua masing-masing kelompok 10 ekor ayam dan dilakukan selama 30 hari. Analisis data menggunakan Uji Sidik Ragam dan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT). Hasil penelitian pertumbuhan harian (DG) P1 12.1% > P2 11%. pertumbuhan mutlak (W) P1 363 g > P2 330 g. Konsumsi pakan (FI) P1 6713,1 g > P2 6636,8 g. Mortalitas (D) P1 0. 15% > P2 0,0%. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian pakan basal dapat mendorong pertumbuhan ayam, sedangkan kombinasi TOGA mampu mempertahankan hidup 0 % dibandingkan pakan basal sebesar 0,15%. Manfaat pemberian kombinasi TOGA yang dicampur pakan yang diduga sebagai imunomodulator alami bagi ayam pejantan.
- Ismah UmmiIsmahUmmi
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 36 viewsView Abstract 249 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 243-253 -
Frequency Distribution of Trap Net Catching Devices the Dominant Catched in Beach Water Sigeri District, Pankep Regency
Coastal fishing ground (coastal fishing ground) has abundant resources, this is due to the fertile waters environment where the coral reefs, seagrass and mangrove ecosystems are still quite good. The purpose of the study was to determine the frequency distribution of the size of the dominant trap net fishing gear caught in the coastal waters of Sigeri District, Pangkep Regency. The object of this research is fish caught by trap net. The data collected consists of primary and secondary data. The equipment used is a fish measuring ruler, digital scales, office stationery, global position system. data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the study, the frequency distribution of the size of the dominant trap net fishing gear caught in the coastal waters of Sigeri District, Pangkep Regency, which consisted of lompa fish (Trissina baelama), mullet (Mugil Sp), kurau (Polydactylus octonemus), titang (Scatophagus sp), rejung (Sillago sihama), cotton (Geres punctatus), gulamah (Johnius trachycephalus), and white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Most of the fish caught are in the category of small fish and a small proportion are included in the size of adult fish, and all fish caught are economically important fish.
- Ihsan IhsanIhsan
- Muhammad JamalMuhammadJamal
- Asbar AsbarAsbar
- Sadaria SadariaSadaria
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 62 viewsView Abstract 271 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 254-263 -
Analysis of The Role of Youth Workers in Fishery Sector : Case Study in Lamongan, East Java
This study aims to examine the dynamics of the labor in the fisheries sector in Lamongan Regency. Factors influencing youth labor interest in the fisheries sector, and formulating policies to attract youth to work in the fisheries sector. The analytical method used is logit regression analysis. The results of this study indicated that the variable that has a significant effect on youth's decision to be involved in the fisheries sector or not is the non-fishing income variable. Where if non-fishery income is above the city/district minimum wage, respondents will tend to choose to work outside of fisheries, and vice versa. In order to attract youth workers to work in the fisheries sector, the thing that can be done is to make the results obtained from this field beyond other fields. Therefore, one thing that policy makers can do is about determining the price of fishery output and input, because these two variables are beyond the control of farmers. So, with high output prices and low input prices, the income of farmers in the fisheries sector will be higher and it is hoped that it will attract young workers to choose this sector.
- M. Khairul; AnamM. Khairul;Anam
- Endah Sih PrihatiniEndahSihPrihatini
- Faisol Mas’udFaisolMas’ud
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 45 viewsView Abstract 211 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 264-272 -
Analisis Profitabilitas Usaha Budidaya Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Menggunakan Teknologi Recerculated Aquaculture System di Pondok Pesantren Lintang Songo Bantul
Budidaya Ikan Nila mengunakan teknologi recirculated aquaculture system (RAS) menghemat penggunaan air, hemat lahan dan daya tampung kolam lebih besar dibanding kolam konvensional dengan ukuran yang sama, tetapi membutuhkan biaya yang lebih besar untuk investasi dan operasiona kolam tersebut. Karena itulah penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui profitabilitas atau tingkat keuntungan usaha budidaya Ikan Nila mengunakan teknologi RAS. Penelitian ini diakukan di Pondok Pesantren Lintang Songo Bantul. Objek penelitian ini meliputi biaya investasi, biaya tetap dan biaya tidak tetap yang dikeluarkan untuk usaha budidaya Ikan Nila menggunakan teknologi RAS di Pondok Pesantren Lintang Songo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus dan analisa secara deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi langsung, wawancara dan kuisioner. Analisis data dimulai dengan menghitung biaya total yang dikeluarkan untuk budidaya ikan nila menggunakan teknologi RAS dan menghitung pendapatan yang diperoleh dari hasil penjualan ikan nila hasil budidaya. Selanjutnya dianalisis break event point, net profit, profit rate, rentabilitas dan benefit cost ratio usaha tersebut. Hasil penelitian dan analisis data menunjukkan net profit sebesar Rp11.197.000, profit rate 60,2%, rentabilitas 142,6%, dan BCR 1,6.
- Moh. Taqiyuddin SalehMoh.TaqiyuddinSaleh
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 47 viewsView Abstract 445 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 273-277 -
Pole and Line Fishery Sustainability Status Based on Business Feasibility At the Bacan Coastal Fishing Port, South Halmahera Regency
The waters of Bacan Island are a fishing ground for skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), using pole and line fishing gear with FADs. The pole and line fishery business carried out by fishermen or entrepreneurs at the Bacan coastal fishing port should earn a continuous profit. Therefore, a business feasibility study on the pole and line fishery business is very important given the considerable uncertainty in the business, because this fishery business is highly dependent on the fishing season and natural factors. The research has been carried out in the coastal fishing port of Bacan. Data collection in the field was carried out for 2 weeks, from 6 to 19 May 2021. The study used a descriptive survey method. Data related to investment, operational, maintenance costs, average number of catches/trips, average number of fishing trips and fish prices were obtained through structured interviews using questionnaires with respondents (ship owners, skippers, and crew fishermen). Sampling of respondents was done by purposive sampling. The results showed that financially (profit) and investment (Net B/C, IRR, BEP, and PP) the pole and line fishery business KM Mina Maritim 145 capacity 30 GT and KM Inka Mina 520 capacity 37 GT was feasible to be cultivated throughout the year. Based on business feasibility (financial and investment criteria), the huhate fishery business of the two ships has high sustainability. The pole and line fishery business in the research location has a high sustainability status, therefore it needs attention from the local government, so that the fishery business continues for the sake of increasing regional income and community welfare while still paying attention to the sustainability of the natural resources used.
- Adi Noman SusantoAdiNomanSusanto
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 43 viewsView Abstract 144 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 278-285 -
Giving Ovaprim Hormone Against Fertilization On Red Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Tilapia is one type of freshwater fish that is very popular with people North Maluku community, and has potential economic value to be developed in North Maluku.The production target for consumption needs is still very far from the target requirement. This research was conducted to evaluate the performance of the hormone ovaprim, fecundity, fertilization rate, hatching rate in tilapia.This study was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD). The results showed that the highest degree of healing was found in treatment C at a dose of 0.6 ml/gr bt (85.19%) then treatment B at a dose of 0.4 ml/gr bt (82.78%) A dose 0.2 ml/grm bt of (77%), and dose D (control) did not occur spawning.From the analysis of variance data showed that treatment C at a dose of 0.6 ml/grm bt gave a very significant effect on the percentage of fertilization of tilapia eggs on the value (F count = 117 > F table 0.01 = 7.59
- M. Abjan FabanjoM. AbjanFabanjo
- Nursanti AbdullahNursantiAbdullah
- Eko S WibowoEko SWibowo
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 54 viewsView Abstract 280 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 286-291 -
The role of financing accessibility on boosting micro scale coastal communities’ fisheries related business activities: case study from Kei Islands
Financial capital is one of the integral factors in moving the business. Accessing the financial sources either from loan and/or monetize the asset is key to boost the ability to gain and gather the capital needed to expand and maintain the business flow. Fisheries and marine related business activities included, even so to small medium enterprises and more so to micro scale of fisheries business. In small islands region of Kei Islands, most of coastal communities that currently running fisheries and marine related business activities namely fishing, marine farming, and marine ecotourism are in micro scale based. Many researchers and studies agreed that for micro scale, it is hard to access the fund due to lack of collateral own by them. Therefore, the aimed of this the role of financing accessibility to support to production of fisheries and marine of coastal communities in Kei Islands. In order to do so, the methodology of study was k-mean clustering to obtain micro scale actors that willing to and able to access the financing aid either from state bank, lending institution and private entities. This study also used multi-linear regression analysis to view the role of the financing accessibility to coastal communities’ fisheries and marine production. The respondent of the study were coastal communities who are sellers, fishermen, marine farmer and micro scale actors in the region with 103 respondents. Data collecting using purposive sampling, the data collecting start from May to August 2021. The result of the study we have found that, more communities were able to access and have higher need for the financial entities than those who unable and have lower interest for financing accessibility. Moreover, the number of expenses, the type of fisheries and marine activities and sex were three factors that influence the production of fisheries and marine activities.
- Frischilla PenturyFrischillaPentury
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 50 viewsView Abstract 148 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 292-299 -
Business Continuity Capability of Cassava Chips Industry
This study aims to determine: (1) the costs, revenues, and profits of the cassava chips home industry in one production process, and (2) the profitability of the cassava chips home industry in one production process. This research was determined by purposive sampling, namely the determination of the sample with a specific purpose. Purposive sampling can be interpreted as sampling based on intentional, Determination of the research area is determined proportionally in the District of Kampak, Trenggalek Regency. The sampling method used in this study is the census method. Where all samples in the research area were taken as samples. The results of the study on cassava chips entrepreneurs in Kampak sub-district, Trenggalek district showed that the average of cassava raw materials was 250 kilograms at the price of cassava at the time of the study of Rp. of 25,000 per kilogram. With the calculation results after the analysis is as follows: (1) the average entrepreneur spends Rp. 1,036,684, generating revenue of Rp. 1,500,000, and an income of Rp. 463,316. (2) The average daily profit generated is 44.69% higher than the bank interest rate of 17.50 per year or 0.05 per day for micro businesses.
- Tutut Dwi SutiknjoTututDwiSutiknjo
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 44 viewsView Abstract 199 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 300-307 -
Analisis proksimat dan organoleptik kerupuk dengan penambahan tepung tulang ikan tuna (Thunnus sp)
Abstrak. Limbah padat hasil industri pengolahan ikan Tuna (Thunnus sp) menghasilkan jumlah limbah yang sangat melimpah dan belum termanfaatkan dengan baik, padahal salah satu jenis limbahnya yaitu tulang ikan memiliki kandungan gizi proksimat yang tinggi. Tepung tulang ikan Tuna merupakan salah satu pemanfaatan pengolahan limbah tulang ikan yang cocok dijadikan sebagai bahan tambahan pembuatan kerupuk untuk menambah nilai proksimat pada produk. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kandungan proksimat dan organoleptik kerupuk dengan penambahan tepung tulang ikan Tuna. Dari penelitian ini, didapatkan hasil pengujian organoleptik (hedonik) tertinggi diraih pada perlakuan penambahan tepung tulang ikan tuna sebanyak 5% yang selanjutnya dilakukan uji proksimat dengan nilai kadar air sebesar 7,89%, kadar abu 23,26%, kadar lemak 5,21%, kadar karbohidrat 58,4% dan kadar protein 5,24%. Sedangkan kerupuk tanpa penambahan tepung tulang ikan Tuna memiliki nilai kadar air sebesar 7,40%, kadar abu 14,06%, kadar lemak 4,21%, kadar karbohidrat 70,86% dan kadar protein 3,47%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kandungan proksimat terutama kadar protein, lemak dan mineral pada kerupuk dengan penambahan tepung tulang ikan Tuna lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan kerupuk tanpa penambahan tepung tulang ikan Tuna.
- Nusaibah - Nusaibah-Nusaibah
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 45 viewsView Abstract 365 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 308-315 -
Regional Economic Study, Central Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province
This study aims to determine the development potential in Central Halmahera Regency relative to North Maluku Province, to determine the components or elements of economic growth that have encouraged economic growth, and to determine the grouping of potential or superior economic activities. The analytical methods used are Location Quotient (LQ), Shift Share, Growth Ratio Model (GRM), Overlay analysis, and Klassen Typology. The results of the study show: 1) The main sectors and have the potential to be developed are the Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying, Construction, Public Administration, and Defense; Compulsory Social Security sectors. 2) The Regional Share value reaches 52.74%, meaning that the economy of Central Halmahera Regency is quite dependent on the economic activities of North Maluku Province and the surrounding area. The regional superior economic potential according to the Proportional Shift component has a role of 6.73%. The contribution of Differential Shift is 40.53%, meaning that Central Halmahera Regency has special potential to drive regional economic growth. 3) The results of the GRM analysis show that the prominent sector growth in North Maluku and Central Halmahera Regency is the Electricity and Gas, Construction, Information and Communication, as well as Human Health and Social Work Activities. The results of the overlay analysis show that the sector is quite dominant so that it must get priority in development is the Construction Industry. The results of Klassen's Typology analysis show that the sector that is developing and growing rapidly is the Manufacturing and Construction Industry.
- Yonette Maya TupamahuYonetteMayaTupamahu
- Margaretha Rosalyn ApituleyMargarethaRosalynApituley
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (B) 47 viewsView Abstract 191 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 328-342 -
Length and weight relationship bronze featherback (Notopterus notopterus, Pallas 1769) in Sei Gesek Reservoir, Bintan Regency, Riau Island
Sei Gesek Reservoir is one of the reservoirs in Bintan Regency. This reservoir was dammed in 2011 which is intended to meet the water needs of Tanjungpinang City. One of the types of fish found in Sei Gesek Reservoir is belida fish (Notopterus notopterus). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between length and weight of bronze featherback (N. notopterus) in Sei Gesek Reservoir, Bintan Regency. Sampling was carried out from April to June 2021 based on fishermen's catch areas and fish habitats. The relationship between length and weight of male fish W = 0.0000005L3.5115 and female W = 0.000001L2.9067. The b value obtained for male fish shows positive allometric and female fish shows negative allometric.
- Susiana SusianaSusiana
- Dedy KurniawanDedyKurniawan
- Ulfa RiantiUlfaRianti
- Rapita RapitaRapita
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (1MB) 77 viewsView Abstract 252 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 343-346 -
Fecundity and egg diameter of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) in Kawal Waters, Riau Islands Province-Indonesia
Blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus), an important global fishery resource, because it widely used by various countries because it has a high export value. The purpose of this study was to determine the fecundity and egg diameter of blue swimming crab in Kawal waters, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands Province, Indonesia. The method used in this study a survey method. The sampling technique was carried out by sensus sampling with a total sample of 176 ind. Fecundity obtained during the study varied from the smallest to the largest. Sampling The least fecundity was found in the fourth sampling female blue swimming crab and the highest fecundity was found in the third sampling female blue swimming crab. The average number of blue swimming crab fecundity obtained in this study amounted to 1,177,941 eggs. The egg diameter of blue swimming crab obtained during the study had different values during the study. Where the first sampling has an average value of 441.47 µm, the second sampling has an average value of 370.63 µm, then the third sampling has an average value of 421.44 µm, and the last fourth sampling has an average value of 375.04 µm.
- Hardi WiradinataHardiWiradinata
- Susiana SusianaSusiana
- Wahyu MuzammilWahyuMuzammil
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (1MB) 145 viewsView Abstract 460 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 347-352 -
Length and weight relationship bronze featherback (Notopterus notopterus, Pallas 1769) in Sei Pulai Reservoir, Bintan Regency, Riau Island
Sei Pulai Reservoir is one of the sources of raw water for the people of Bintan Island, Riau Islands, to be precise in Tanjungpinang and its surroundings. Sei Pulai Reservoir is also a habitat for belida fish (Notopterus notopterus). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between length and weight of belida fish (N. notopterus) in Sei Pulai Reservoir, Bintan Regency. Sampling was carried out once a week from April to May 2021 based on fishermen's catch areas and fish habitats. The relationship between length and weight of male fish is W = 0,00000006L3,4839 which indicates a positive allometric growth pattern and for female fish is W = 0,000002L2,761which indicates a negative allometric growth pattern.
- Susiana SusianaSusiana
- Dedy KurniawanDedyKurniawan
- Ulfa RiantiUlfaRianti
- Rapita RapitaRapita
- Daza Septian NugrahaDazaSeptianNugraha
- Edo EdoEdo
- Kamal RudinKamalRudin
- Bim AprilyantoBimAprilyanto
- Hardi WiradinataHardiWiradinata
- Pangga Kurnia DialamPanggaKurniaDialam
- Rochmady RochmadyRochmady
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (485KB) 106 viewsView Abstract 497 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 353-357 -
Viability of Smoked Fish Bussiness in Lingga Regency
Lingga Regency is one of the areas in the Riau Archipelago Province which has a very large fishery resource potential, the community generally makes a living as fishermen and utilizes the catch as a source of life. Utilization of the catch is not only in the form of raw raw materials, but in the form of processing, namely smoked fish, among the people of Lingga Regency better known as ikan salai. The fish commonly used are tembang fish or tamban fish (Sardinella fimbriata). Ikan Salai is a typical food that must be brought by tourists or local visitors when visiting Lingga Regency or just as a daily snack. The purpose of this study was to assess the viability of the smoked fish processing business, The average smoked fish business is still on a small scale with a simple smoking method. There are very few studies related to the financial viability of fishery processing businesses, especially the smoked fish business in Lingga Regency. The average total expenditure on food for tamban salai business owners is Rp21.450.947 per year, non-food is Rp13.729.263 per year, the average total consumption is Rp36.561.222 per year, while the average expenditure for operating expenses is Rp. 146,020,193. per year. In this study, the average income of tamban salai fish business was Rp. 269,464,018 per year. When compared between total expenditure and income, from 19 tamban salai fish businesses in Lingga Regency, 19 businesses were viable.
- Tetty TettyTetty
- Khairunnisa KhairunnisaKhairunnisa
- Khairul HafsarKhairulHafsar
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (1MB) 75 viewsView Abstract 295 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 359-363 -
MOTIVATION TO SEA AMONG YOUTH (Case Study of Millennial Youth in the North Galesong Coastal Community, Takalar Regency)
This study examines the motivation to go to sea among youth, North Galesong. The research method used is a qualitative case study type. Sources of data in this study are divided into two kinds of categories, namely primary and secondary sources. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the motivation of youth to become fishermen comes from intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is obtained from within the individual with conscious considerations such as an understanding of the economic potential of their area, an understanding of technology and an understanding of fishing skills. While the external motivation is obtained from outside the youth, such as the pressure to fulfill economic needs, support and even coercion from the family
- Kristian Hoegh Pride LambeKristianHoegh PrideLambe
- Mansyur RadjabMansyurRadjab
- Hasbi HasbiHasbi
- Muhammad SabiqMuhammadSabiq
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (360KB) 77 viewsView Abstract 276 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 365-369 -
Economic assessment of coral reef ecosystems in Bajo Gurapin waters, Kayoa district, South Halmahera
Coral reefs are one of the most productive and most diverse coastal ecosystem. This ecosystem is the habitat of marine biota such as reef fish, molluscs, crustacea, seaweed, marine plants and so on that use this place as a place to breed, look for food and protection (Romimohtarto, 1991). Coral reef ecosystems are one of the natural resources, where coastal communities benefit from these resources. This study aims to determine the shape of coral reefs (lifeform) and the percentage of coral reefs, and to estimate the economic benefits of coral reef ecosystems in the waters of Bajo-Guruapin Village, Kayoa District, South Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province. in the waters of Bajo - Guruapin are Acropora Branching (ACB), Acropora Submassive (ACS), Acropora Tabulate (ACT), Coral Branching (CB), Coral Encrusthing (CE), Coral Massive (CM), Coral Foliose (CF), Coral Submassive (CS) and Soft Coral (SC). From the results of the analysis, the percentage of coral cover ranged from 35.65 to 74.42% consisting of hard corals and soft corals so that the condition of coral reefs in Bajo - Guruapin waters can be categorized as conditions up to good.
- M. Said AlhaddadM. SaidAlhaddad
- Iwan Hi. KaderIwanHi.Kader
- Maskur AbdulkadirMaskurAbdulkadir
Research Article Open AccessView Abstract 92 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 376-383 -
Analysis of Income from the Transfer of Paddy Rice Fields to Chili Commodity Land in Toboino Village, East Wasile District, East Halmahera Regency
In Toboino Village, East Wasile District, East Halmahera Regency, the production of lowland rice has decreased due to land conversion from lowland rice plants to chili plants because the selling price is higher than lowland rice. This study aims to analyze the income and feasibility of changing the function of paddy fields to chili commodity land. This research was conducted in Toboino Village from March to June 2021. The analytical method used in this study is the analysis of income and farming feasibility. The results showed that the average income of lowland rice farming before land conversion was Rp. 10,077,080 per planting season/ha with an R/C ratio/feasibility of farming 2.2, and income after land conversion into chili commodity was Rp. 19,314,634 per planting season/ha with an R/C ratio/feasibility value of 2.9.
- Ekaria EkariaEkaria
- Haryati La KamisiHaryatiLaKamisi
- Munawir MuhammadMunawirMuhammad
- Hasrul A. MarsaolyHasrulA.Marsaoly
- Iswan MasukuIswanMasuku
Research Article Open AccessView Abstract 97 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 384-388 -
Effect of Salt Concentration on Organoleptic and Microbiological Attributes of Mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus)
The salting is one of the traditional methods of processing fishery products that have an important role both in business and efforts to fulfill protein. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of salt concentration and soaking time on the sensory value of flying fish. The organoleptic testing, total plate count, and analysis using a completely randomized design (CRD). Salting of fish with the total water method used is 4.5 liters using bulk salt for the treatment of A1 300 grams, A2 1 kg and A3 1.5 kg. The process of drying saltting fish using sunlight during the drying process from the morning at 08.00-16.00 WIT depending on the weather conditions drying process 3-5 days with an average temperature of 28-33 oC. Organoleptic test results of salting flying fish that have the best value, namely for the appearance with A3 treatment for salt concentration of 1 Kg with a value of 8.84, for the A2 salt odor concentration of 1 Kg with a value of 8.56, taste A2 with a salt concentration of 1 Kg with a value of 8.12, A3 texture for 1.5 Kg salt concentration with a value of 8.76. Meanwhile, for the ALT test, the smallest bacterial value is 1 Kg A2 with a value 1.1. Thus, salted fly fish products are still suitable for consumption.
- Azis HusenAzisHusen
- Ahmad TalibAhmadTalib
- Jumahir HairilJumahirHairil
- Frits JamlaayFritsJamlaay
Research Article Open AccessView Abstract 85 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 396-402 -
Proximate Content of Mackerel Fish (Scomberomorus commerson) with Different Drying Methods
Fish skin is one of kind by-products of the fillet industry and the fish processing industry. Mackerel skin has not been used optimally, although it has good economic potential and has high nutritional content. This study aims to obtain the best drying method based on the proximate content produced in mackerel fish skin chips. The drying method used are natural drying using sun dried and artificial drying method using oven dried. The parameter observed was the proximate content of mackerel chips. The proximate content was obtained using the AOAC(2005) method. The results of the proximate test on mackerel skin chips with oven drying method are: the value of water content 12.85%, ash content of 16.12%, fat content of 17.74%. Carbohydrates 24,00%, Protein content 28,91%. While the proximate value using the sun drying method contains 9.21% moisture, 6.73% ash content, 17.74% fat content, 40.66% carbohydrates, and 29.95% protein content. The best drying method is obtained by sun dried method because it gives the smallest moisture (9.21%) and the highest protein content (29.95%).
- Deden Yusman MaulidDedenYusmanMaulid
Research Article Open AccessView Abstract 134 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 445-451 -
Freshwater Aquaculture Development Strategty At Kao Barat And Tobelo North Halmahera Regency
The Aim of this research was to describe the profile of freshwater aquaculture, identify external and internal factors and formulate a strategy for developing freshwater aquaculture. The research was conducted at freshwater aquaculture locations in West Kao and Tobelo. The method used purposive sampling methods, observation, and interviews, data analysis used qualitative descriptive methods and SWOT. The results showed that human resources and skills in cultivating fish, availability of land, water sources and locations, the existence of Balai Benih Ikan Lokal are strength factors, while capital and experience, quality and quantity of seeds are weaknesses that affect the development of freshwater aquaculture. On the other hand, threats such as the lack of government guidance and assistance, weather, location security are obstacles in taking advantage of opportunities consisting of opening employment opportunities, developing cultivation technology including Minapadi, selling prices, and marketing. The strategies used to formulate the development of freshwater aquaculture in West Kao and Tobelo are increasing the role of the government through outreach activities, increasing the quality and quantity of fish cultured by BBIL, developing an integrated aquaculture system, improving the safety system of aquaculture sites and increasing knowledge about hatchery techniques to cultivators.
- Sophia N M FendjalangSophiaN MFendjalang
Research Article Open AccessView Abstract 86 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 467-475 -
Development of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultivation in Talaga Paca North Halmahera Regency
Lake Talaga Paca is one of the lakes in North Halmahera regency used for various purpouse by the community around. The utilizing of lake water for household purposes, transportation and fish cultivation with KJA or KJT. This study aim to determine the strategy of development of the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Talaga Paca. The method used in this research was descriptive research with data collection techniques used interviews and observations. To formulate a development strategy, based on the results of internal and external factor identification which is then tabulated in the form of IFAS matrix and EFAS matrix, next use the SWOT matrix. The result of water quality measurements are still in a good range. The result of the SWOT analysis results in four strategies that can be used for the development of tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) ie land optimization cultivation area in Talaga Paca becomes more productive and sustainable, improving the ability of cultivators through training and coaching related to the good aquaculture practice and training of fish feed making to tackle the high problem of fish feed prices, agreement between the Cultivators and the community to maintain security at cultivation site.
- Charlly Natalia EtekeCharllyNataliaEteke
Research Article Open AccessView Abstract 56 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 476-481 -
The Production of Crude Fish Oil from Trimming, Belly, and Head of Catfish (Pangasius pangasius)
Fish oil is an extraction that comes from the tissue in fish which contains nutrients that are good for health. Catfish (Pangasius pangasius) is a type of fish that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. The oil content in catfish is quite a lot so it is suitable for use in making fish oil. Health supplements are products with the aim of maintaining, improving health as well in addition to the need for this substance. This research aims to determine the process of make fish oil, increasing the selling value of catfish as a health supplement. The test parameter in this research were to determine the free fatty acid, water content, and organoleptic content of fish oil. This research was conducted on three treatments with different types of raw materials, namely the body parts of catfish including belly, trimming and fish head. The most yield results are at fish oil with belly materials for catfish, is 35%. The water content and free fatty acids contained in fish oil in each treatment met the existing standards. From the results of observations of turbidity, color, and odor, it is known that fish oil obtained from the belly is better than fish oil from other parts.
- Widya PangestikaWidyaPangestika
- Sholekha Nur Karim Putri SalenSholekhaNur KarimPutri Salen
- Natalia Prodiana SetiawatiNataliaProdianaSetiawati
- Kusuma ArumsariKusumaArumsari
- Deden Yusman MaulidDedenYusmanMaulid
- Nusaibah NusaibahNusaibah
- Satriya AbrianSatriyaAbrian
Research Article Open AccessView Abstract 84 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 488-494 -
The Arrest of Mantis Shrimp (Harpiosquilla raphidea) Margin and Marketing Efficiency in Kampung Nelayan
This research was conducted in Kampung Nelayan Village, Tungkal Ilir Sub-district for mantis shrimp marketing institutions from April to June 21021. The purpose of this study was to analyze margins and marketing efficiency of mantis shrimp catches in Kampung Nelayan Village. The data collected in the form of primary data and secondary data with survey methods is then analyzed descriptively with quantitative methods. The results showed that there are 2 marketing channels for mantis shrimp in Kampung Nelayan Village, namely marketing channel I from fishermen to intermediary traders and then to agent traders. From fishermen to agent traders. Marketing channel I total margin of Rp. 35.796/head and marketing efficiency of 8,59% (inefficient). Marketing channel II total margin Rp. 32.088/head and marketing efficiency of 9,34% (inefficient).
- Nancy Angeline TampubolonNancyAngelineTampubolon
Research Article Open AccessView Abstract 65 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 552-557 -
Efficiency Marketing of Smoked Fish in Lingga Regency
Utilization of fishery in Lingga Regency is fresh fish and processed into smoked fish as we known ikan salai. The smoked Fish raw material is Fringescale sardinella (Sardinella Fimbriata). Specifically, this research is to know : (1) the marketing distribution channel of smoked fish in Lingga Regency, (2) the marketing efficiency of smoked fish in Lingga Regency. The research was conducted in September - December 2021. In the Lanjut, Berindat, Persing, and sedamai village, Singkep Pesisir District, Lingga Regency. The results of the study show is there are 2 marketing channels . Marketing channel 1, the margin amount is Rp. Rp28,462, fishery share is 34,62% and marketing efficiency is 0,57%. Marketing channel 2, the margin amount is Rp 13,750, fishery share is 75, 42%, and marketing efficiency is 0,74%. The value of marketing efficiency is 0.57% and 0.74%. The marketing channels of smoked fish in this area is efficient.
- Tetty TettyTetty
- Haidawati HaidawatiHaidawati
- Khairunnisa KhairunnisaKhairunnisa
- Wahyudin WahyudinWahyudin
- Khairul HafsarKhairulHafsar
- Aidil Fadli IlhamdyAidilFadliIlhamdy
- Wahyu MuzammilWahyuMuzammil
- Septia NurhasanahSeptiaNurhasanah
Research Article Open AccessDownload PDF (811KB) 25 viewsView Abstract 310 viewsVol 14, No 2, P: 371-376